It is exciting to see the impact that Circles are now having worldwide!
In New Zealand, an organisation called ‘Options’ has begun using the approach, seeing great results. Carol Sebborn is developing the approach and sat down with, Virginia, who has benefitted from having a Circle for a short interview:

Virginia (third from left) with her friends, having Christmas dinner in 2018
Virginia has also shared her story with us:
“When I left high school I came back to Palmerston North. I was 19 years old I tried staying with host family, flatting on my own and finally settled in residential care shared home.
I had no friends for 8 years; it was hard to meet people. Although I was shy, I was a friendly person and had interests, sport, tapestry and blanket stitch.
In 2017 I was brave and offered to be a guinea pig to see if a circle could help me make new friends. The circle helps me to have confidence to speak at social & sport events. I can talk to people, say ‘hi’ at the supermarket, restaurants and in shopping malls.
Now I have people to invite to different events – like movie nights, Xmas dinner bbq, birthday party.”