Cath Barton
What people like and admire about me
- Loyal
- Motivated and enthusiastic
- Open minded and determined
- A good communicator
- Respectful
- Always see the positives
- Passionate about person-centred approaches
What is important to me
- My family, Gary, Ellen and Zachary, having tea together, holidays, walking and fresh air
- Our eight year old beagle, Buddy
- Big family time with brothers, sisters-in-laws, nieces and nephews
- Swimming twice a week in the pool and going open water swimming every week
- My role with Community Circles, being part of making a difference and seeing great outcomes for people, families and communities
- Seeing the bigger picture and knowing my role within this, being clear about what is expected from me and those around me, clarifying actions
- Embedding the learning from my Masters in Social Pedagogy Leadership into how we work
- That we seek solutions rather than focus on problems and develop actions to move forwards
- Connecting with people and developing great relationships
- Having a good work/home balance, being flexible including working from home, working evenings and weekends when necessary
- Hearing from others and being part of a wider community through Slack, Facebook and Twitter
- Having honest feedback that helps me improve what I do and develops my skills
- Learning new skills and feeling stretched but not overwhelmed
- Reading every day, always keen to hear book recommendations from others
How best to support me...
- Make sure I write things down, to do lists, appointments, agreed actions…
- I like to know the big picture and equally the detail; keep me up to date so I’m clear on my role within this
- Give me a deadline for when things need doing by, calendar reminders in advance work well
- Staying in touch by email and Slack works best. I prefer to use Zoom rather than phone calls
- I really appreciate honest conversations and detailed feedback about my role and the support I give. Let me know what’s working and not working and how we can best work together
- Have time together with colleagues each month to reflect and share ideas